getting into vet program in Colorado

How To Become A Certified Vet Technician

In Colorado, prospective professionals who wish to work within veterinarian medicine as a technician or technologist must enroll into a veterinary technology program. State-accreditation of the chosen school is necessary to acquire your certification. As you make this decision, look for a program that offers all the essential requirements for this job position. If you wish to become a colorado veterinary assistant today follow these steps.

Enrolling into a Program

Colorado vet tech programs require your high school diploma and an official copy of your transcripts. You’ll complete an admission package. This includes an application for federal financial aid with which you’ll attach a copy of your tax return from the previous year. Upon acceptance into the program, you’re instructed to meet with an academic advisor to set up your schedule.

You’ll attend the school for a duration of up to two years. If you’re completing a certification program only, it’s possible to finish within one year. A program offering an associate degree requires two years, unless some coursework is available online. All lab requirements are fulfilled within a campus environment.

Pass the VTNE

After you complete a program offered by a veterinary technician school in georgia today, you must file an application to take the veterinarian technician examination. All fees are required when you submit the application. You’ll receive a notification when your exam is scheduled. If you don’t pass the exam initially, you can reschedule based on availability. Dates and locations for tests are available through your chosen school.

Acquiring Your Certification

You must file an application with the CACVT to acquire your certification as a vet technician. This association requires you to provide documented proof showing completion of your vet program, along with evidence of your high-school graduation. Your results from the VYNE are automatically sent to this association, as long as you take this exam in the state of Colorado. All certification and licensing fees are paid upfront.

Applicants who are unsure of which colleges and technical schools offer this program, should research these options until you find the right opportunity. Prospective students who need help getting into vet program in Colorado should contact an advisor for the school of their choice. Advisory staff helps them to examine each program to discover, which cater to their requirements for this career choice. If you’re ready to start this venture now, contact the school of your choice and schedule an appointment.